We all know the damaging impact of plastic on the environment and the backlash against plastic means more people are looking for sustainable alternatives. Advice states that a canvas or jute bag for life should be used to reduce your environmental impact, yet even some of these contain plastic linings. Our Avalonia silk bags are a bag for life that is 100% plastic free and are a stylish way to decrease your footprint.
Made from 100% recycled silk sari’s this clever little idea reduces waste by preventing the fabric from going to the landfill. Clothing can take hundreds of years to decompose and In a landfill, organic materials lack the oxygen needed to break down. Instead the decompose through anaerobic digestion, a process that results in the emission of dangerous greenhouse gases that escape into the atmosphere. Instead Avalonia, cleans the sari’s through a hot water process and reuses the material to create our signature silk bags.
Due to the production process each bag is unique in design with a wide variety of prints and contrasting handles. Making this handy number a stylish accessory to any wardrobe or even a great storage piece to hide those unsightly items in a much more appealing way.
The production of the silk bags also has a positive ethical impact in developing countries. By providing work to rural women in India who would not normally have a source of income, the poduction of our silk bags helps provide a good source of income for themselves and their children. All in all the use of our silk bags are a win-win by making the world a better place for all of us around the globe and by providing a unique bag.